Choose your terminal: please choose mobile pad pc
Choose your mobile: please choose apple sumsang xiaomi others
choose model iphone4 iphone4s iphone5 iphone5s
choose model s2 s3 s4 note2 note3
choose model 1 1s 2 2a 2s 3
e.g. you may fill in "moto" for the first blank, and "me525" for the second one
Choose your pad: please choose ipad2 ipad3 ipad4 ipadair sumsangpad surface
Choose your pc size: please choose 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Choose your pc cpu: please choose 1.7to2.0 2.1to2.5 2.6to3.0 3.1~
Choose your pc ram: please choose 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G 7G 8G
Choose the way you connect to the Internet: please choose wifi wired net cellular net
Mode of the cellular net: please choose GPRS CDMA 3G 4G
Grade for the video you've just seen(range from 1 to 10): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10